Sunday, June 19, 2011


Well, it's been quite the week. It started out on Monday with a new therapy visit. This is the BEST, I get to spend Monday nights this summer being read to by kids at the Grandville Library. It's called the Ruff Reader Program. For 15 minutes at a time kids come into this special room and get to read to a Therapy Team, there's about 6 different teams. When their 15 minutes are done another person comes in. This keeps going for an hour. I had some pretty cute girls sitting next to me petting me and reading some very good books. I paid real close attention to what they were saying cause I can't read myself. Maybe by the end of summer I'll have a better idea of what each word means. Then on Wednesday and Saturday I got to play in the water with mom and some other people and dogs. By Saturday I was SWIMMING !!!! Yes, I can swim. I'm so surprised. At first I thought it was very VERY scary but then it got to be more fun than scary. I'm still not good at it but mom says we'll keep working at it. Mom and I have got some really great friends that are willing to work with us so we learn how to do this the right way. Mom can't swim either. I don't have to wear a life jacket but mom does, believe me she DOES. She has a long, long way to go before I'll let her in the water without one. :o)  Mom said that the next time we're in the water she'll take some pictures of me and we can post them here.

Next week is going to be a VERY busy week. I've got 3 therapy visits and a dog show at the end of the week. Wish me luck on the dog show. I've just GOT to win. I need 6 more points and I'll be a CHAMPION. Yup, a champion. I so want to be a champion. It's been fun in the show ring but I'm finding out that there are a lot of other things that mom and I can do at dog shows other than the show ring. There's Obedience, Rally, and Draft. It's all things mom and I can do together and she just love being with me as much as I love being with her.

Sooooo, time for me to get off this computer. We need to get a veggie tray ready for a Father's Day get together at Aunt Denise & Uncle Jerry's.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the dad's out there. Especially my dad's Dean & Bentley. I LOVE YOU BOTH !!!!!

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