Monday, April 11, 2011

Birch Run - April 9 & 10

This past weekend Shelby, Mary, mom and I went to a dog show in Birch Run.  We had a great time even though I didn't get any points again.  We had 2 very nice judges.  The Sunday judge made mom laugh by calling her "miss".  She thanked him for the compliment and he said that he always calls girls up to the age of 80 "miss" and over the age of 80 "Mame".  This is my new friend Emmet. Isn't he a cutie?  He came by to say "HI" while I was getting ready for the show.  Mom asked his mom if she could take a picture of us together and his mom said it was OK.  He wasn't scared of me at all and gave the best head rubs.

I don't like being in the crate much so mom lets me lay on the grooming table until it's time to go ringside.  I like being on the table cause then I can watch all the people go by.  Some even stop to tell me I'm "gorgeous" :o)

Tonight, Monday, 4/11/11 Mom and I met Heather and Clarence at Worth Residential for a therapy visit.  Worth is a long term care facility for individuals with traumatic brain injuries.  We had a good time meeting all the residents.  I made quite a few of them smile.  They gave good rubs and I even gave a few kisses.  I'm going to like going there again.  Well, that's about it for tonight, it's time for bed....

Night all...................


  1. Hello Ben! Nice to meet you! I am a friend of your brother, Remington. You are such a STUNNING Newfy (and so is your brother!). My hoomie Melissa is a big fan of Newfies & she hopes to own one some day. I am sorry that you did not get any points at the show. Don't worry, that has happened to me several times too. I go home empty ended. It can get disheartening sometimes when that happens but that's dog show for ya! Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. I will be shown in 2 weeks time. My hoomie hopes to finish me by then.

    Anyway, have a great weekend ahead & I hope we can be friends.

  2. Hi Amber-Mae. I'm rooting for you.. Hope you're next show goes well. I'm also going to a show. I'll be at Valparaiso in Indiana. Where are you going. It's nice to meet you and thanks for checking in.

  3. Awwww, Ben - your face is so sweet <3 I will visit you ! ;)
